Tuesday, April 19, 2011


It is Holy Week for Christians around the world. This past Sunday was Palm Sunday and at my church like many we were handed palms as we walked through the doors. As I worshiped with hands holding palms raised in the air I so felt the presence of the Lord. It was as though He were riding past me on the donkey in His triumphant entrance. Wow! This is at the very least is the way to start Holy week. But even more than that, His presence should be felt like that quite often in our lives, like always! I reflect on my life and the many mistakes I have made along the way and remember that without Jesus to reconcile all things heaven would not be an option for me. I could not make it there without Him. I have a grateful heart. I am so thankful for the plan that allows a sinner like me to repent and turn from my evil ways and be made new. So, as Easter approaches I just am reminding those around me that heaven is real, and there is NO other way to get there except by the blood of Jesus Christ. Hosanna!! Happy Easter!

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